1.To raise up a people who will Refuse the status-quo of religion and seek to explore the depths of God and be Radical to start a Revolution to bring reformation to the church to be the church of the Lord Jesus Christ,the bride of Christ without spot & wrinkle"
2.A Ministry Declaring that Jesus is Lord and to Proclaim to all the unadulterated Word of God without compromise.
3.To Present Gods word in its Fulness & To Present Everyone Perfect in Christ Col1:25b & 28b
4.To raise leaders that are ?APPROVED BY GOD? 2Tim2:15; 1Thess 2:4
5.To be a people that the Holy Spirit has full access to use as He desires in all the ?Gifts? ?Fruit? and ?Five fold? ministry to it's full measure, with signs, wonders, miracles following after. Mk16:17.
6.To make Christ known among all nations by equipping Believers and planting reproducing churches which will be salt and light at all levels within our nation and world, To REACH, TEACH and MOBILIZE!
7.We exist to develop relationships that demonstrate the Love of God, bring the Gospel to all people groups, backsliders, the unchurched, all faiths, we do not look at banners, we are all His people therefore we seek to build the Kingdom of God and seek for all to know Christ Jesus and the power of his resurrection, Empowered by the Holy Spirit.
8.Leaders that seek to ?Bring and Give God the Glory,? and see people Transformed by the power of God. We see nations being Overturned by the love of Christ. We see things so wondrous they can't be explained. (Habakkuk 1:5)
9.Partnerships: We are committed to forging partnerships with other like-minded churches and organizations who can help us accomplish our global mission.